Dumbo bergenia
© Swanson's Nursery
Large fuzzy, oval green leaves are the distinctive feature of this superb perennial. In springtime clusters of pastel pink flowers top stout stalks above the 12 to 14 inch long leaves. In colder climates the foliage will be deciduous while in warmer areas they are semi-evergreen.
Plant Type: perennial
Growth Habit: clumping
Foliage Type: deciduous
Plant Height (10-year): 1 ft. 0 in. (0.30 meters)
Plant Width/Spread (10-year): 2 ft. 0 in. (0.61 meters)
Hardiness: USDA Zones 5 to 8
Flower Color: pink
Sun/Light Exposure: full sun to light or open shade
Water Requirements: occasional watering in shade or regular watering in full sun
Seasonal Interest: bold, fuzzy green foliage with pastel pink flowers in spring
Wildlife Associations: bees
Plant in full sun and water regularly or in light to open shade and water occasionally during the dry season. Bergenia will grow well in most soil types as long as they are well-drained.
Text and photos ©2020 Great Plant Picks/Elisabeth Carey Miller Garden except where otherwise noted
Funded by the Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation, The Seattle Times, and Individual Donors
Administered by the Elisabeth Carey Miller Botanical Garden