Plant Answer Line
This unique resource is provided by the Elisabeth C. Miller Library at the Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle, Washington. The Plant Answer Line provides quick answers to gardening questions. Using many resources found in the Miller Library and on the internet, this resource is tailored to the needs of Pacific Northwest Gardeners. Call the Plant Answer Line at 206-897-5268, email to, or visit the Miller Library website and submit your questions here.
University of British Columbia Garden Forum
The UBC Garden Forum is maintained by UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research to promote backyard biodiversity and habitats in Canada as part of its educational mission. Although small compared to other Internet gardening discussion forums, the UBC Botanical Garden Forum is seemingly the largest of any plant-related forum that fosters communication between the public, other plant professionals and UBC Botanical Garden researchers, staff and volunteers.
Cooperative Extension Service
This service is a partnership between the United States Department of Agriculture and agricultural colleges in every state, begun in the 19th century and early 20th century. The service was created to provide the general public with the knowledge gained from research to improve agriculture and horticulture practices primarily, but also offering information on home and family, the environment, and community economic development. Follow the Extension Service links for more information:
- Washington State University Cooperative Extension
- Oregon State University Cooperative Extension
- In British Columbia, Canada, the Ministry of Agriculture provides agricultural and horticultural information to the general public:
- British Columbia Agriculture
Master Gardener Program
The origin of this now internationally widespread program began in the Pacific Northwest. In the early 1970s Cooperative Extension Service Agents in the Washington state counties of King and Pierce began to experience an increasingly high demand for information from urban gardeners. This prompted the development of the Master Gardener program to train volunteers in the basics of horticulture and, in return for their education, volunteers commit to answering questions from the gardening public, thus allowing the Extension Agents the time to fulfill broader educational programming. To contact a Master Gardener:
- Washington: WSU Master Gardener Program by county
- Oregon: OSU Master Gardener Program
- British Columbia: Master Gardeners Association of BC
Garden Exhibitions & Nursery Trade Fairs
Nursery Organizations
- Oregon Association of Nurseries
- Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association
- British Columbia Landscape & Nursery Association
Botanical Gardens
- Bellevue Botanical Garden
- Hoyt Arboretum
- Puget Sound Public Gardens
- University of Washington Botanic Gardens
- University of British Columbia Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research
Horticulture Societies